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20121210 Safety Information
(1) As of November 23, 2012, the European commission in OJ in the form of communication
(2012 / C 363/05) released the RoHS 2.0 (2011/65 / EU) coordination standard EN 50581:2012.
EN 50581:2012 is the European Union CENELEC a set of laws for industry use to meet the RoHS
2.0 prescribed technical documentation standards.
(2) November 14, 2012, CQC released new tubular fluorescent lamp ballast energy saving the
authentication rules CQC 31-461225-2012, alternative CQC 31-461225-2010.
(2012 / C 363/05) released the RoHS 2.0 (2011/65 / EU) coordination standard EN 50581:2012.
EN 50581:2012 is the European Union CENELEC a set of laws for industry use to meet the RoHS
2.0 prescribed technical documentation standards.
(2) November 14, 2012, CQC released new tubular fluorescent lamp ballast energy saving the
authentication rules CQC 31-461225-2012, alternative CQC 31-461225-2010.